All You Need To Know About The Honours and Awards Section In LinkedIn
B2B buyers spend little time meeting potential suppliers when considering a purchase. Much of the time is spent doing independent research.
Are you going to make a buyer interested in your offering with the information you provide in your LinkedIn profile, or are you more likely to make them underwhelmed?
The addition of awards and honours to your LinkedIn business profile might seem like a waste of time, but it has more impact than you might think. Get some inspiring examples of LinkedIn Honours and Awards and discover why it’s worthwhile to include this section. Read on to discover more!
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What Are Honours & Awards On LinkedIn?
Honours and Awards is a section within your LinkedIn profile that allows you to add more information, completing this section will give the reader a better insight into your career history and achievements, and make your profile stand out against others.Users find this section the most challenging to fill out because it’s sometimes difficult to recall any awards you’ve won. Moreover, there are no clear guidelines for what counts as an award or honour, so it can be hard to determine what qualifies.
A helpful place to start is determining whether you have any certificates, plaques, or trophies. There are also other things here besides physical awards.
This section can be filled with several different honours:
- Published articles
- Magazine profiles
- Keynote addresses or speeches
- Participating in panels or moderating
- Specialised projects
- Mentoring or training you provided
- Participation in committees
- Having been named employee of the month
- Additional relevant experience
Why You Should Add Award Pictures & Videos

Since 2017, LinkedIn users have been able to upload videos directly to the platform with its native video feature. In other words, you can now upload videos and pictures to the Honours and Awards section. A picture or video on your awards page gives a break from your profile’s long list of words and helps draw visitors’ attention. This will ensure users stop and take notice of this section since most users will skip straight over it.
Photographic evidence shows you’re a professional and a leader in your field, which is a plus for leads who might be researching you.
Whenever you receive an award, give a presentation, or get recognised, consider having someone take photos and videos for your LinkedIn profile – it’s great content.
The following are some examples of what you could upload:
- A photo of you being issued the award.
- A video of you at a speaking event.
- Your award in a professional photograph.
You should only upload professional images and videos that reflect your company. You probably don’t want a photo of yourself holding up a “most outstanding drinker” award from college.
Types of Awards You Can Feature
You decide on a successful accomplishment based on your brand, industry, and what you consider an achievement. Maybe you win an award for best business on a big stage, or perhaps you receive a mug for being the “coolest boss” from your staff. Don’t exaggerate your achievements, and try to have copies of any awards you include in this section – a potential client might ask for evidence.
It’s also not necessary to stick to one industry. If you’ve received an award in an activity you’re passionate about or have been recognised for charity work or volunteer experience, include this. In addition to showing your genuine personality, it also demonstrates that you are respected by others, which helps you win the trust of potential customers.
How To Add Awards & Honours on LinkedIn
If your profile doesn’t yet list any awards, you are missing out, but the following outlines how you can remedy this:
- Click “Profile” and “Edit Profile” in the top menu.
- Next “View more” in the “Add a section to your profile” section.

• The honours and Awards section will appear.

- You can type the level and title into the “Title” box.
- In the “Associated with” box, write the organisation’s name, position, or degree the award is associated with.
- The name of the awarding body should be added to “Issuer”.
- Describe your accomplishment, when and why you received it, and what you did to earn it in the “Description” box. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is SEO-friendly by incorporating relevant keywords.
- Be sure to include a picture or video.
- After completing the process, click “save” to add the award to your profile.
Best Examples of Honours and Awards on LinkedIn
You can find some great examples on LinkedIn of how awards and accomplishments should be worded. We’ve included a few below to give you an idea.Honours and Awards
Gary Vaynerchuck, Chairman of VaynerX and VaynerMedias CEO, notes his achievements as a profile in the New York Times (2013) and inclusion on the Fortune 40 Under 40 list (2014) to his resume.
Gretchen Rubin, the best-selling author, has cleverly added a chapter to her book in the awards section. She uses this as a marketing tool for her book, encouraging people to visit her website to purchase the rest.
Featured blogs
Jill Konrath maintains an impressive LinkedIn profile. In addition to being a keynote speaker and bestselling author, she is an expert in B2B sales.She lists many awards and honours in her awards and honours section. Among them are her contributions to some high-profile blogs

General Note: Remember To Ensure your profile is optimised for new leads
You might think that filling out your LinkedIn profile is a waste of time, but it’s an invaluable step to optimise your online presence.Before making a purchase decision, B2B customers will do their research into brands, which includes checking out your LinkedIn profile. If you prove that you’re a competent business partner, you have a better chance of winning the business over your competition. Once you have optimised your LinkedIn profile, you can turn it into a lead generation machine.
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